Atchison High School
Atchison High School Video Productions is a student run broadcast group under the Direction of Bob Neidinger. The advance class streams: daily news (Announcements), home: football, volleyball, basketball, track and baseball, special events, BEST Robotics, NAIA Basketball Tournament, Gubernatorial Debate and more.
AHS Talent Show 2024
AHS Football Playoff Game: Phoenix vs. Lansing (11/08/2024)
AHS Volleyball: Phoenix Vs. Schlagle High School
(9/17/24) AHS Varsity Volleyball
AHS Homecoming Assembly Sep 13th
(9/12/24) AHS Varsity Volleyball
(9/3/24) Ahs v Tonganoxie Varsity Volleyball
Any and all games filmed by Ahs will be posted post game, due to technical issues on our side please be patient we are working hard to remedy this issue and will be back to live streaming as soon as possible.
AHS Commencement, Saturday 10:00 am
Commencement starts at 10:00 am. Broadcast will start at 9:30.
Post graduation (family and friends hugs and well wishes) will follow the commencement ceremony. -
Senior Slideshow 24
AHS Senior Awards Night
AHS SENIOR Daily NEWS 5/9 - Part 2
The newscast will be all the Video Production Seniors that wish to participate.
AHS Daily News, Wed 5/8
Varsity Baseball vs Wyandotte Senior Night
AHS Daily News, Tuesday 5/7
AHS Daily News, Monday 5/6
AHS Daily News, Friday 5-3
AHS Daily News, Thurs. 5-2
AHS Daily News, Wed. 5-1
AHS Daily News Tues. 4/30
AHS Daily News 4-29
AHS Daily News, Last Friday in April
AHS Prom Red Carpet 4/27
AHS Daily News, Thursday 4/25
AHS Daily News, Wed 4/24